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Hi friend!If it’s your first time here, welcome! I’m so happy you found your way here to Optimal Health Seeker. 


I'm Tina Degen, originally from Germany but calling the world my home for the past 10 years. I’m a dedicated seeker of health and well-being, movement lover, sustainable lifestyle enthusiast, traveller, cat and coffee lover, and living my dream. 


I’m passionate about empowering people to ditch dieting for good and become the healthiest version of them yet. 


Why? Because I’ve been where you are at a few years ago. 


I spent my whole adolescence and early twenties in a vicious cycle of dieting, bingeing and fighting fatigue. Food started ruling my life at a very early age. I went on my first diet when I was 11. I had a very unhealthy relationship with food and looked for any possible hack to help me lose weight, even when I was at my skinniest.

My hormones were out of whack, I was stressed, exhausted, anxious, and I had constant brain fog. So much of my self-worth was dictated by what or how I ate, and how my body looked.


"I neglected other areas of my well-being in an attempt to achieve the “perfect” body that I so much desired. As a result I dealt with adrenal fatigue and thyroid disorder and constantly relied on sugar and caffeine for energy."

I believed that being thin would make me worthy. I believed I needed to be thin to be loved and appreciated and I was constantly comparing myself to others. Trying to fit in, I lost touch with my body and let food consume every aspect of my life. My feelings around food were always about guilt, shame, restriction and punishment.


It was exhausting!


I tried every diet, restricted food, binged and restricted some more. I took fat burning pills and obsessively trained to make up for the food I ate after a binge. I believed that once I achieved the perfect body, I would finally be able to live the life of my dreams.


I blamed myself for not having the willpower to stick to the diet and vowed that on Monday I would start again. I would exercise even more, and this time I would be better, this time I would stick to it.

Does that thought pattern sound familiar to you?


It took me years to understand that my binges had a deeper meaning, that I was avoiding my feelings and that I had been looking for my answers in all the wrong places. I realized that my relationship with food was really a reflection of my relationship with my self. Step by step, I learned to attune to my body’s natural signals and respond in a loving, more kind way. I learned to find other ways to acknowledge and to cope with my emotions.

"Eventually I managed to climb out of the negative spiral I was in. I started listening to my body and implementing changes to restore my health. I finally set myself free. After I created more freedom around food, I also created more freedom in my life."


After countless times of trying to lose weight with fad diets, restriction and excessive exercising, I maintained a healthy weight and started to feel energized and comfortable in my body.


My own struggles with food, fatigue and anxiety lead me to become a Holistic Nutritionist. Now I help women like you to get off the diet rollercoaster, stop using food to numb your feelings and find other ways to find comfort without food.


I might point out foods that are healthier options or should be included in a balanced diet. However, I do believe that we should not beat ourselves up over having that chocolate cake at your friends birthday party, or your favorite food when you visit your parents over the holidays. Food is fuel and not the enemy! I'm not about counting macros and calories but rather teach you to trust your body what foods work for you and which ones do not. I help my clients with changing habits that do not serve them anymore and bring more mindfulness in their lives instead of telling them what to eat (or not to eat) and how to lose weight fast. 

This is in no way a quick fix that can be achieve with a 14 day challenge. It is a process to get in touch with your true self and start trusting your own intuition again, that voice in you that knows what is good for you and what you really need. Changing old destructive habits and healing your relationship with food and yourself takes time and persistence. But believe me, it is so worth it, every step of it. 


I’m here to support you along the way.

"I truly believe that you can achieve everything you want. That you can have a healthy, strong body and live a happy, fulfilling life with a holistic approach. Body, mind and soul go together, if you neglect one, you cannot thrive."

Let me help you change your habits that are holding you back. You too can nourish your body with nutritious food and self-love to overcome the vicious cycle of fad diets and self-loathing; nourish your soul with rest and play; move to feel great in your body and live a happy and healthy life. 


Now it’s your time.


If you read this far, thank you! I hope this is just the beginning of our relationship. I'd love to hear more about you. If we are not connected on Instagram yet, c'mon over and shoot me a message. 


Check out all of my freebies HERE and start your transformation to a healthier, happier you.


Are you ready to go ALL-IN? Check out my packages and book your free discovery call HERE.


Thanks again for your time. I'm so excited for your journey to begin and    I cannot wait to connect with you. 



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